Stockpiling is a great way to save money. Simply put, stockpiling allows you to purchase items you normally use when they are are very cheap or sometimes free, so that you don't have to purchase them later on and pay full price. Stores generally run the same or similar sales every 4 to 6 weeks. After you've been at it for a while, you will learn your local stores' sales patterns. During a good sale, if you buy enough of a certain product to get you through til the next sale, you won't have to worry about running out and paying regular price. For instance, if your local grocery store is running a sale on soup priced at 4 for $1 and you have a store coupon for .50 off 4 and a manufacturer coupon for .25 off 4, which doubles, you'll essentially be getting 4 soups for free and should stock up enough to get you through until the next sale or what you have room to store. Which brings up another great point to take into consideration - only stockpile what you have room for. Obviously you wouldn't buy 100 cans of soup if you have nowhere to put them, right? However, even if you don't have a huge house or basement to store things, you probably have more room than you think. Clean out a spare closet and dedicate it to "stockpile items" Storage totes are also a stockpilers best friend. These allow you to store your items without them always being in the way.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Everything you need to know about stockpiling
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